Dr. Reckeweg R88 Anti-Viral drops

Size : 30ml INDICATIONS: Any viral type disease such as measles, mononucleosis, herpes, flu, swine flu. Dr.Reckeweg R88 drops are indicated for any viral type disease such as Viral Fever, Measles, Mononucleosis, Herpes, Flu, Swine Flu, Dengue, Hand Foot and Mouth disease(HFMD) etc. An effective Antiviral medicine that contains highly...
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$ 9.99 USD

Homeopathy Product

Many In Stock

Size : 30ml

Any viral type disease such as measles, mononucleosis, herpes, flu, swine flu.
Dr.Reckeweg R88 drops are indicated for any viral type disease such as Viral Fever, Measles, Mononucleosis, Herpes, Flu, Swine Flu, Dengue, Hand Foot and Mouth disease(HFMD) etc. An effective Antiviral medicine that contains highly diluted energy derived from viruses like coxsackie, diphterinum, Herpes zoster, V-grippe etc. Safe & without side effects

Main Ingredients
Coxsackie, Diphterinum, Epstein Barr, Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, Influencinum, Mononucleosis, Morbillinum, Poliomyelitis, V-Grippe:

The above ingredients are highly dilutes so that none of the virus remains in the product but that the energy of the virus stimulates the immune system to defend against the intruders. This becomes a safe immuniza-tion formula to safely (without side effects) increase the natural defense against virus.

Caryophyllus aromaticus: Natural anti viral.

Euphrasia: Immune stimulant.

- As a natural immunization formula this anti viral formula is safe for child-ren and should be used 3 drops 3 times a day for 3 days
- Every month for the first two years of life.The formula can be adminstered into the umbilicus and rubbed into the skin with the child's hand.For use with older childern or adults 10 drops 3 times daily to counteract viral di-seases or 10 drops once a day as a preventative

. The high-quality level of homeopathic drugs from Dr. Reckeweg Bensheim is the results of a strict selection of raw materials, a manufacturing process that meets today's national and international requirements without sacrificing well-established traditions, and a perfect quality assurance and control system during each manufacturing stage.

Buy best quality Dr. Reckeweg products, value pack offers online at www.alldesineeds.com. Most competitive prices offered. Free S/H worldwide on all orders. Please consult a Physician before purchasing and do not self medicate.

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